Thursday, December 11, 2008


Thick black clouds of life, take their seats on everyone’s shoulders. Heavy they take their toll. Lessons don’t come easily.


TripleLLL said...

Nice blog. I thought you might enjoy my poem, "Drunkard's Night Before Christmas," at:

William H. Balzac said...

~~I just wrote a poem about clouds also....It must that strange conjunction of the moon.

~thoughtful "quotes" seem to be
contagious these day. I like yours.


William H. Balzac said...


Carrie Amie said...

Isn't it interesting how clouds can represent both hope and disaster...
thanks for you comment!

The Drifter said...


Thank You for commenting on my page. I appreciate your opinion. You have a lovely way of writing.

Davis L. Bigelow said...

I like this one very much Carrie. May I quote the first part of this on my blog?

Carrie Amie said...

I'm flattered. Sure. Good luck with your writings!